A creative director listens, observes, inspires, strategizes, leads, and creates.

Working as a creative leader, mentor and strategic thinker is exhilarating – yet humbling. I love to build brands, and build consumer relationships. I enjoy exploring executions that have never been tried before. I consistently look to explore where the next communications channels will take us to create awareness and persuade. And, I love to see when a co-worker comes up with an idea better and more imaginative than I, and being able to be a part of helping that idea come to life.

Creativity is a group effort, we all build on what has come before and we share and partner in the process of inventing what is next.

And there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a client get excited and jazzed, realizing that their service, product or whatever they are responsible for is connecting to people in way they had not imagined before. Before we listened, collaborated, explored, tweaked, persuaded, noodled, revised, failed and tried again to get to that place none of us had ever been before.